Pregnancy & Working Out

Pregnancy + Working out

I keep saying how grateful I am to get a workout in these days, and it’s something I truly am so thankful for.

I’ve been reading and studying about exercise in pregnancy, and how it continues to be proven to be so beneficial to helping women so much over the years. Which is still surprisingly still contrary to a lot of people’s current beliefs.

If you’re expecting, something that can be hard to understand and implement is that you aren’t exactly fragile (don’t tell our husbands LOL.) And while it might not be the perfect time to introduce a super intense workout program if you’re new to fitness, with your doctor’s approval is actually usually recommended to CONTINUE an exercise program.

Keeping up with a normal exercise routine, with some modifications, can help lower the risk of gestational diabetes, prepare your body for labor and postpartum, and help with pregnancy weight gain as well as a number of other benefits.

So if you’re looking for some help in the area of WHAT to do as far as exercise goes when pregnant (and again with doctor’s approval)


here are a few ways to keep up your activity level when pregnant!


*LISTEN to your body.

If something doesn’t feel good- DON’T do it! If something feels uncomfortable when you do it, that’s usually a sign your body isn’t able to handle that stress, pressure, etc. Try and modify to something that feels good, or substitute the move altogether!


*Low Impact Modifications.

I am usually the biggest fan of higher impact and intensity workouts, but in pregnancy it usually proves a little harder for me to do. You can judge it based on what you did before becoming pregnant, and continue with what feels good with your doctor’s approval! As your belly grows, there’s a shift in your center of gravity making it harder to balance and making jumping movements a little more challenging. In pregnancy, your body also goes through significant hormone changes, allowing for more relaxed muscles and fluid joints. High impact moves can be more of a risk for injury in this way, so many time low impact moves are a better, safer option!


*Workout earlier in the day!

Energy has been my BIGGEST struggle when pregnant. From the early weeks in the first trimester with feeling so nauseous and sick, I found that it was MOST helpful for me to get my workout in earlier in the day. I also find this to be true in the later trimesters as I’m just more tired from every day activities and chasing my bigger kids as baby grows.


*Fuel your body.

This means hydrating well and making sure you’re eating enough throughout the day to have the energy and ability to complete your workouts. In pregnancy, you need more water regularly, so just keep that in mind as you continue on with your exercise routine.


*ANY activity counts.

Even if you don’t squeeze in a full structured workout, celebrate activity for what it is. If you got steps in going for a walk, did chores and laundry all day, or even chased after your kids, movement is movement and it’s a win! Not every single day has to consist of a full blown workout to be successful!


Mama, you got this! Know that your body is doing an AMAZING thing by carrying and creating life, and you are truly worthy of giving yourself grace in this season


I hope this helps you create your own fun, cute & Functional space for all your home workouts! If you are looking for workouts you can do from home- be sure to check out my workout program Goals & Grace!

Xo, Meg

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