4 Tips to Grocery Shopping on a Budget

It can be overwhelming to start eating healthier, and many people often excuse it altogether saying that it’s not convenient or too expensive. I came up with 4 things I’ve learned in my few years of eating healthier as a family and ways  help you save some money the next time you’re at the store! 1

1. Shop Online 

I have found that by choosing my groceries online, I also spend less money in the store – that’s a WIN in my book. I know certain stores have their own “online shopping” options, however I came across InstaCart and have been using it for all my shopping needs. As a mom, heading to the grocery store with kids can be a haul, so this is not only proved to be a money saver for me, but also a saver of my time which I value. We tend to order online from Aldi- which is the cheapest option around when it comes to grocery stores, plus they have a variety of organic and healthy options!

2. Make a List / Fridge List

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Grocery shopping without a list is a nightmare not only for your time, but also for your wallet. Without a list, you are MUCH more likely to buy what you see. I use our Amazon Alexa to verbally save my shopping list while in the kitchen – it’s proven to be a great gift for us- but a written fridge list would do the same! As you run out of items or come up with new recipes to try, jot the ingredients down so the next shopping trip you can be sure to get exactly what you need. This prevents over-spending on stocked items you’re unsure of.

3. Only buy groceries

When grocery shopping, it’s important to ONLY take this trip to buy your groceries. I say this because other household items such as cleaning or paper products can easily run up your shopping costs, as they typically cost more money at a grocery store than other discounted store.

4. Invest in Food Storage

Leftovers are LIFE. I meal prep for about 3-4 days at a time because I’m a mom and life is crazy enough. So I invested in some tupper-ware storage and glass containers from Costco to help me preserve my leftovers and plan a few days in advance for my week. Leftovers and meals in bulk help to cut down recipe item costs and save me time. To avoid getting tired of food, I usually switch up my meals bi-weekly as to give me some variety in my days. Pre-packing EVERYTHING from meals to snacks in baggies and containers is such a saver of not only time and energy, but also a money saver. Having food prepped for the week prevents me from stopping for snacks at the coffee shop, gas station, or from going out to eat during the week.

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